Friday, April 13, 2007


It's really interesting, because I haven't really told anyone about this blog...yet. I think I've given the link to a grand whopping total of 4 people. There's something special about keeping your innermost thoughts quiet, but then again, these entries don't contain anything significantly personal. For those of you wondering, I write of my most private transgressions in a separate container; this is for all of those who wake up, sip their morning brew, get some small dose of news feed, and then go, hmmm, I wonder what on earth Jeanine is up to? So yes, in that way, this is public, for all of the voyeurs who can get their weekly dose of Jeanine guilt-free. lol. (ouja- that one's for YOU :o!)

I had such a good ass time yesterday. Finally got the check desposited in the account and had a heyday. That means shopping for you slow folks. We went to Shopping Barra, and literally shut the place down. The whole mall was closed, dark and decrepit but for the single light that shone at the designer boutique we kept hostage. We tried on the most fabulous designs; I walked out with a babydoll white dress (along with my first Brasilian bikini!), Shannon with a black shorts jumpsuit with the most enviable gold-plated belt buckle; Valerie got the hottest cinched jeans and micro-mini shorts, and Eryn this adorable black dress with a taupe trim and a bandeau top. We were such rockstars; twas amazing.

The weather is being mighty fickle on us. The sunshine has abandoned Salvador in lieu of graycast skies and sprinkles of rain. I could so lie to all of you right now and tell you that the sun is blazing, and that I am toasting on the white sands of Porta de Barra, but I would be committing an injustice. *Ahem* Ladies and gents, we have now entered the "fall/winter" phase of Brazil's seasonal altitude, and it's less than pretty. Ok, I kid, it's still beautiful- let's just say everyday won't be a beach day anymore... sigh.

I'm so happy here, it's ridic. The Portuguese is picking up and I feel more integrated into the culture and Bahiana lifestyle with each passing day. My host family is lovely; I bought Isa (my host mom) a bouquet of roses for her head ailment yesterday and she covered me in kisses. I love the people in the program, both the instructors and the students. We have such a good group of fun-loving people. And everyday is a day to go out, have a modest glass of wine or a capirinha (stiff), dance samba, shop and eat, play capoeira, lounge on the beaches, travel the city....and just generally soak in the tranquility that has become a mantra here in Salvador da Bahia.

I promise pictures to come- my camera is making its way to my current abode. Kisses from Brasil,
meninas e meninos!


bubbles and catastrophe said...

Onni! god you make me envious. Brazilian bikini huh? AND what mayI ask does that actually cover? haha not a whole lot im sure. Are the boutiques there expensive or cheap? Bring me back a souvenir to celebrate my graduation of STF! hehe. That would be get outta my hoodies and sweats and start stylin. YMCA is good, ive worked out every day this week except today's my off today. Ive worked my way up from a 1.25 miles on the treadmill to 2.10. :) yaya getting back into shape. Slow and Steady wins the race. I miss you lots my love. If you were in the US, you could visit me at the STF workshop along with mom, dad and oppa. anyways todays sunday so hopefully ill speak to you sometime today. :) MUAH MUAH MUAH

Kibos said...

JEANINE!~~!~~ i miss my sis soooooo much....u are truly living the life that most people only dream about! i wish i was with you and Shannon. As much as i miss u guys i am so happy for you...Jeanine, you mean so much to me. NO ONE listens to my thoughts and blabberings as lovingly and intently as you.. i miss calling you and chatting about the kids, food, boys, life, religion, and our life ambitions. DEVON said HI!~ he misses his Jeanine and hopes to see u soon. LIfe is really good...i have 3 huge papers due over the next two weeks...i am getting ready for SW and i am excited to go....WE booked a wedding venuE~!its lovely and i also picked my bridesmaid dresses! u'll love them:) anyways, i have more to share but i'll write u a longer email later....take care my love!~ i cant wait for the pics of your tan ass....give me your address.