so instead of perusing other's sites endlessly (i.e. swankheights, cupcakesandcashmere, glamouri, ogoingrogue- some of my latest faves), i thought i'd climb back onto the old, familar wagon and breathe some of my own life into the blogsphere.
not that i have anything interesting to write. or anything relevant, persay. but writing just for the sake of writing. scratching that itch, letting the keys on the keyboard go rampant with their click-click-clicking, feeling for the time being that your brain is being lit with the force of creativity within you.. tis a good thing.
all i can think of for now is that somehow, mini-inspirations come to me like dippin' dots at a summer fair, one at a time, each delicately encased in their own rainbow-locity.
here are some of the things i'm having a real kick with:
1. gourmet spices to kick up the flava (got some this past weekend at the Freret Street market)
2. swanking out the digs- picked up some cool frames, a few decorative pillows, a faux fur throw, a really wicked bulletin board decked out in supafly fabric (a DIY i shamelessly didn't author), some gorgeous hydrangeas in an elegant glass and some quintessential New Orleans inspired coasters to scatter amongst the abode...who said that beautiful things in small packages don't have the power to lift even the most sullen spirits?
3. owning the power to my life. realizing that i can live the life i envision and still be an amazing, tour de force of a woman. knowing that love isn't just about sacrifice, that it's about giving and growing and becoming who you're meant to be without the cost of losing your happiness and sense of self.
there are good things in store. but for now, my few dear readers, i appreciate you and the beauty you bring to my life. <3
Ohhhhhhh!!!!!!! Can't wait to see you blogging again lovey. Wish you'da told me, I'm discovering this too late!!!!!!!!
I miss you so, I love reading your thoughts, you make my spirit flicker with the way you see the world and click click away at your keys. You have that extra chip in your brain.... an neurological connection that makes you able to see the world and put it into words in a way that we can all connect to. its fabulous, and so are you.
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