Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Morning Puja

The following pictures detail the "Puja", or devotion ceremony we were invited to attend during the retreat. It consisted of chanting, alongside a series of brass and wood instruments (tambourines, horns, drums, a type of clarinet) played at various intervals, which serves to heighten the pulsating spiritual atmosphere and imbues the participants with a sense of solemnity and tranquility.Young monk boys came around with giant tea kettles filled with masala milk tea; mine happened to spill over my cup! After, they came around and offered Westerners many different types of snacks and treats. This was a pretty rare treat, to be apart of something so ancient and holy.

ahhh, masala tea!


how'd they know I love ramen?

an interior view of the ornate Gompa

young monks in grooming

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