1) i've discovered a really cool new shampoo that comes in a tube. and it's by L'Oreal. Voila.

3) I'm dreading holiday travel like it's the Bubonic plague- the thought of me walking through one more airport checkpoint makes me want to play voluntary Russian Roulette.
4) Turns out that salmon in vacuum tight sealed bags stays fresh waaay beyond the cited expiration date.
5) Note to self: I may have to stop watching The Biggest Loser with a behemoth burrito in my lap.
6) Turns out I have 34 unused, prepaid personal training sessions left-over from a health & workout stint from last year's heyday.
7) I realize i've got to get off my @$$ if i'm going to put them to use.
6) Turns out I have 34 unused, prepaid personal training sessions left-over from a health & workout stint from last year's heyday.
7) I realize i've got to get off my @$$ if i'm going to put them to use.

ohhhhhh, yeah, bay-bay
8) Documentaries on netflix are my new mojo. North Korea, check. Man on Wire, check. The Case for Faith, in proceedings.
9) I hate holiday melodrama. Shopping makes me sick [although I manage to peruse the endless bevvy of online holiday shops. Latest faves: westelm.com, for home decor. asos.com, for the kinda stuff only the fashioney brits can dream up, and findgifts.com, for uncoventional whats-its that make your mouth go agape at pure brilliance in a click of a button (you mean i can link up a USB drink warmer/chiller to my COMPUTER!!???)].


1. fb strike?! whaaaaaat?! idk how you exercise such discipline cuz i sure cant
2. love reading a post i dont have to read 5x's to fully grasp
3. what kinda shampoo is it and why do you like it so much?
4. i know holiday travel blows, hang tight hopefully weather is good and no delays.
5. salmon in vacuum tight sealed bags?!!!! what the...
6. i LOVE west elm too and will be all over it when we move to denver
7. if i cant get you on the phone, im glad i can atleast get an update about you on your blog, thanks!
8. but still- call me?
Love your post!!!
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