So its been a cool ass minute since i took the time to stop. pause. reflect. and connect pen to paper in a way that fossilizes my thoughts- there's the fear perhaps of what could emerge from the abyss of one's mind, that deep, cavernous place far within, tangled with the cobwebs of history's incandescent moments. Your memory will fail you, but the all mighty quill shall not, as the inner workings of the subconscious gush forth with the infallibility of life, embalmed in its own ceaseless immortality.
you asked me to write, E, and writing i am.... because you shall see the brilliance that shines like the lone light in a sea of darkness, bouying it's way to the surface. we all wish we could glimpse our humanness; some have a way with revealing our inner vicissitudes in ways others do not. there are those, like me, who take pleasure in pondering the striking uncertainty of it all, who dabble in the unknown with rapture, sensuous delight.
i wonder of your own magnitude, the posturings of your body, the flickers of emotion that cross the oceans of your deep, warm eyes. because part of what i feel is indescribable, a flurry of warm and penetrating instances that embed themselves, deeply, keenly, ever so serenely... is it the way you fill an entire room with your being, top to bottom, floor to ceiling, beckoning the eye in your direction? or is it the way you can demurely camaflouge your way into the foreground, innocuously and surreptitiously sitting on the rim of life's rushing canvas? you stick. somehow. in a world that is fleeting, where time flows through the fingers like sand. where faces become blurred with time's fash forward button, people forgotten, memories swept aside like the high noon tide. because you matter, in that large and special way, to the people you come across, leaving an imprint, a footprint frozen like the apparitions of the sun's telling mark on the body's canvas... easily left behind, not easily forgotten...
you asked me to write, E, and writing i am.... because you shall see the brilliance that shines like the lone light in a sea of darkness, bouying it's way to the surface. we all wish we could glimpse our humanness; some have a way with revealing our inner vicissitudes in ways others do not. there are those, like me, who take pleasure in pondering the striking uncertainty of it all, who dabble in the unknown with rapture, sensuous delight.
i wonder of your own magnitude, the posturings of your body, the flickers of emotion that cross the oceans of your deep, warm eyes. because part of what i feel is indescribable, a flurry of warm and penetrating instances that embed themselves, deeply, keenly, ever so serenely... is it the way you fill an entire room with your being, top to bottom, floor to ceiling, beckoning the eye in your direction? or is it the way you can demurely camaflouge your way into the foreground, innocuously and surreptitiously sitting on the rim of life's rushing canvas? you stick. somehow. in a world that is fleeting, where time flows through the fingers like sand. where faces become blurred with time's fash forward button, people forgotten, memories swept aside like the high noon tide. because you matter, in that large and special way, to the people you come across, leaving an imprint, a footprint frozen like the apparitions of the sun's telling mark on the body's canvas... easily left behind, not easily forgotten...
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