After a week of non-stop flitting about, from one activity to the next, my mind has had ZILCH unoccupied space for creative bubbling and fizzing. After nearing the point of absolute EXHAUSTION, I decided it would be necessary to take the day off on Friday as a routine-check "mental health day" and it is only now that I return to dear blogger and make some semblance of an "update."
I worry, in having any type of general audience, that my once-mindless, nonsensical meanderings which were once the de rigeur have now spontaneously adapted to posts bearing a sense of intended purpose- whether it's to indulge, entertain, enlighten or amuse. With that said, that's an awful lot of pressure to place on a budding writer or anyone for that matter, which is why, in the form of a blog, I will leave my thoughts as they are. No pretense, no fancy accoutrements or bells and whistles. Once you start writing for an audience and less for yourself, there is an abandonment of form- your art becomes subversive and stripped, something like a white-washed tomb.
An interesting thought- the more inert and inactive your body is, the more alert your mind becomes. It is during those lazy, lackadaisical days of idle relaxation my mind starts to take on the makings of a pizza dough factory (me and my corny analogies!), the dough being kneaded and spun until it takes on the rotund shape of a pizza, ready to go into the kiln. But when my body is being put through the grinder, when the bulk of my attention goes towards the fulfillment of priorities, tasks and other menial obligations, I lose a bit of my lust for life and on the back burner this blog goes.
If you're tuning in, thanks. Trust me when I say that inspiration still comes and that creative energies are lying in wait, itching to be revved. I promise you'll be the first to be notified, via blogger. ;)

im "tuned in" hope this wkend lets those creative juices flow and gives you some time to relax. this summer- you, me, Pho.
tell me about the pic with the girl... who that?
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