The city is cast with a green glow- let me forewarn you, even the BEER is green here, in New Orleans.
Had a blast and a half yesterday at the St. Patty's Parade here in NOLA (come on, when is there ever a reason to NOT throw a parade here?) where beaucoup- pronounced BUCCU- people flooded the streets in their green regalia to celebrate the day dedicated to uhhh-getting shit-faced? Haha. It was a lot of fun actually- I wish I took more (and better) pix of the action. Of course you had your classic "Everyone loves an Irish girl" t-shirt and a twist on the classic- "Everyone loves a drunk girl" tee. A guy wore a shirt emblazoned with "Kiss me. I'm shit-faced." I met a man wearing a floor-length green ball gown with a wig, fairy dust, green painted finger-nails- his name is Aaron and he's an office manager, buahahah!
Me, Jamie, and the gang gathered at First and Magazine where we chillaxed in the fucking incredible midday sun, drinking margueritas, Irish car bombs, Guinness'- you name it, we had it. And it was just so festive and FUN- the cute Irish boys in the parade line would come up to us and tuck flowers in our hair (the tradition is that you exchange kisses on the cheek- how very French, uhh, I mean Irish), toss beads and cabbage (nothing, I mean NOTHING is more romantic than a man throwing wilted produce at your feet) at us and even pull up panties and garter belts up the leg if you happened to be a lucky recipient.
It was all good! I love this city, I fucking LOOVE it. I still feel the need to hide my open drink or beer every time I pass a cop, but then I remind myself- Jeanine, it's all good in tha hood, baby! So after a lazy, chill, sun-drenched afternoon of playing in the sun, dancing in the streets and drinking up a storm, I passed out, in a proper sun-dazed, intoxicated asphyxia, reveling in the good ol' Irish roots (yeah, right, I wish) and day dedicated to all things green and splendid.
Now, I just need to go eat me bowl of lucky charms!

1 comment:
the "fucking incredible midday sun"... a "sun-drenched afternoon". wish i was there with you!!!!
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