ok, so the title has nothing to do with my post, but i liked the way it sounded... interestingly enough, the other night i had an epiphany evincing the power of words. growing up, i lusted after divining some great talent (like the Daedalus of Joyce's Portrait), especially when it came to the performing arts...God, i thought, if only i could carry a tune like mariah or whitney, or if only i could mesmerize people through dance or art or in acting. and i realize i may be no superstar at it, but writing is something that comes somewhat naturally to me. words just give release- I LOVE WORDS. i love reading spectacular writing; it's like poetry. it hits every sense, every nerve in me. it's like this kaleidoscopic rush of color and warmth, like climaxing to orgasm. i know it's taking it far, but there are few things that cause me to sigh with pure rapture. anyway, what i realized is that writing is such a pre-historic thing; cavemen were attempting to form letters and pictures with an enduring quality.
even now, we read these classic greats- the works of plato and aristotle, socrates and the greek classics. you read these amazing 18th and 19th century works of literature like balzac and austen and dickinson preserved over centuries. what confounds me, amazes me is the timelessness of these works. literature bears a certain immortality succeeding even the highest works of art like painting and sculpture, which are subject to decay and erosion. even musical compositions are just recordings, mere copies of original pieces that once filled the halls with their aromatic symphonies. but words... WORDS, they ALWAYS have the supreme power to stir the human heart, stimulate the human mind. they have the ability to stay current even if their visages are thousands of years old. you can read the Bible and feel God speaking to you in the present or tune into the words of frederick douglass or dr. king and nearly inhale the fire in their words; words can come alive with such velocity and magnum, at least, to those receptive to them...
it makes me ever so much more aware of the enduring and evocative quality of words, more so than any piece of music i have the potential to create, any painting i conjure from imagination or any dance performed. its brilliance is something to be recognized, fed and cherished, though it appears to tread ground more softly and quietly than any of the aforementioned...
i don't have anything else of significance to say, except that it's super bowl sunday and im happy to be part of new orleans at this historic time...
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