Saturday, April 7, 2007


at porto da barra

Easter weekend here in Salvador. With over 400 churches in just Bahia alone, you best believe Brasileiros take their holidays seriously. That means chillin on the beach, eatin' up a storm, and uuhhh, did i mention chillin on the beach?

Which is precisely what I did (to my chagrin). I am so red right now, so sunburned that my skin threatens to burst at the seams at the slightest touch. I am more than cherry tomato red, I am SCARLETT, but it is welcoming to my sadistic self as all I can envision is the deep brown it will inevitably become... oh, the meanderings of an undercover tanaholic. How can one not, though, with all these men and women walking around in next to nothing boasting the most incredible shade of brown, sun-kissed skin? Makes you want to lay your life down and become a beach devotee. And beach devotees the Brasileiros are- Monday through Sunday- any day is good to lay out and catch some rays...

The water today was AMAZING. Crystal clear and so cool, but with these particular spots which were warm, by the coves of rocks scattered about. We saw little fish running amuck, swarming in and out between our legs. Me and Eryn went hunting for food and brought back the spoils of our treasure to the girls, where we all hungrily noshed on saladas and arroz con carne and our favorite Guarana drink. This one amazing Brasileiro attended us all throughout, bringing water in his garden-looking canister, spraying our sun-scorched bodies every 15 minutes, cooling us with coconut water muito frio (straight up out of real cocos) and even re-icing our tepid bottled water... I was like what is this, heaven or something? This one lady walked around offering massages; I was nearly waiting for some gorgeous man with bronzed skin to appear out of the horizon and come fan us down with giant peacock feathers... (Didn't happen)

Capoeiristas were right next to us, doing ridiculous acrobatics in the water, flips and cartwheels- astonishing. Me and Eryn were practically foaming at the mouth. And people were playing tennis right by the water, or some sort of game of backgammon... Little kids wearing their adorable havainas and tiny bathing suits blazing through the sands at break-neck speed... One thing about the Brasileiros, however, they have NO SHAME. We're talking full-on straring, 180 degree head swivels, hissing and cooing- it is not even funny. Supposedly Brazilian men have a penchant for American women; hmm, I wonder why?

So tonight there's this music festival thing, apparently...supposed to be music, dancing, and people galore. I will courageously brave this sunburn and don some sort of festive garb, kick up my heels and show these Brasileiros how we Americans do it. Haha, riiiiight. CIAO meu amores....

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