Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Trip to the Nunnery

After 8 days of chillin' in the monks quarters, we were uber excited to check out the Buddhist nuns' neck of the woods, just a few kilometers down the road. Though it was still under massive construction, it was amazing to see the beginnings of the future beautiful and ornate temples. What's more, we made some great friends along the way- big Leo and 'lil Leo', (real monikor is Johan), who got his nickname due to his striking resemblance to the real Di'Caprio. With or without the pictures, the memories stand clear and bold in my memory, in great part to the spirited individuals who made the short trek with us.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous day. Cheers to strangers to become friends, going the path less traveled (lil Leo's suggestion but and what a nicer view it was), and livng in the moment.....soaking up all the ancient wisdom & beauty of Kopan