In a brilliant sort of way, I allowed myself to bathe in the glow of being a woman today. As I walked down that slab of concrete in the outdoor shopping plaza on manhattan boulevard, drenched in the glorious rays of the incandescent sun that hung above me, i felt seraphic, powerful, goddess-like. it was a feeling i could only describe as celestial, otherworldly in such a way i felt i would rise and levitate at any given moment. perhaps it was the first heavenly departure from cloudy days and an arresting bone-reaching chill in eons; perhaps it was the fact that "buyer's high" had descended upon me in an intoxicating state of purchasing bliss...
Or maybe the fact i had never before felt so comfortable in my own skin at that very moment, in that very small space of time. It is a sense of unbridled independence, in the truest sense, from the trappings of the diffident mind and body where Self and Ego collide, where merit and value are enhanced somehow through outward appearances, validation through others, self-seeking praise and confirmation. It's something that happens when you know, inwardly, that you are your truest friend and that happiness is something you create rather than find, and that nothing more beautiful or profound exists outside of that.
UGH!!!!! (that "ugh" is the same sound as I make when taking a bite of a chipotle barbacoa burrito)
Girl these 2 paragraphs just SUCKED ME IN. THIS is the same feeling i get when I walk through Manhattan... except, not any day in Manhattan but on a day when the wind is blowing, my ipod is on, and I've taken the time to do myself UP. Makeup, heels, and a tight pair of jeans. It can be cold, sunny, or raining. Walking through NYC does it for me...especially midtown. Funny you were on Manhattan blvd =)
your last line especially, SO beautiful written. UGH!!!!!!!
PS- "Viva-la-diva"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to need to coin that. It's GOOD.
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