Saturday, February 13, 2010


There's something about you, oh Black Man, i find peculiarly tantalizing. and yes, i've seen you, lived amongst you, danced and celebrated with this is no novelty piece or phase begging temporary marvel (check it.); it's more like a sista who just wants to take a minute to appreciate a brotha- now is that okay?

now living in the south, there's something about you that invites me to pause, Black Man, and ponder Just. What. Is. It. that gives you that X factor, causing me to dedicate an ode to your elegant and sensuous constitution. maybe it's just the way you walk down the street like a sip of a long, cool drink, that gleam in your eye, the curve in your smile, the arch of your neck, that magnificent strut in your gait. brilliantly, sensationally, phenomenally you- in every motion of your body, vibration of your words, echo in your laughter, strut in your step... maybe it's the way you love life to the fullest; how even a glass of lemonade or iced tea is the goblet containing life's finest, how you ooze love in every murmur, every breath, every expression of your grief, your sorrow, your joy, your jubilee, your tragedy... Black Man, is it the way you make life a nonstop party, bringing festivity to every street corner, even with a bucket of boiled crawfish standing at your feet? Is it the way you hug me something fierce after a saints super bowl win, going "mama, we didddd it!" Or how about the way you look so refined and dignified when you put on that sunday suit, even atop parched cement amid the sweltering mid-day heat, hmm? No, maybe it's just the way you live life, Black Man, unleashed and unafraid to be unapologetically you. maybe it's your candor, your honesty, your power, your ESSENCE.

and this aint no fetishized shit! (don't let me essentialize the black man now) While yes, there is something distinctly sexually forthcoming about you (a woman cannot lie), it's more than a bar of godiva milk chocolate that im talking about, or some exotic excursion or foray im dying to 'try out'. it's more like the fact that you mesmerize me in some unbeknownst way, your laser-like eye lock leaving me immediately demure and short-stopped... or the fact that i think your confidence is emboldening and suddenly, you allow me to see my own "flaws" as my strengths- my hair, my lips, my eyes, my thighs...

i could go on, but doust might scoff at the forwardness of my words (on a blog, no less!). But like someone once said to me, "gotta give props where props is due." and Black Man, TRUST- you are very deserving. so though this temporary detour of thought-aside is coming to a close, just remember that someone is, indeed, taking notice. and as you're walking down that pavement, that bend in the road, whatever...remember to look up. And say "Hi."

I promise i'll say hi back. ;)