im in hell right now. sitting in the tulane library, writing some emails and surrounded by pure nastiness. To my left is an angry guy who keeps banging on his keyboard and spontaneously shouting out bursts of "fuck!" "piece of shit" and "goddamn!" To my right is a guy who is wearing bright orange glasses and finds it delighful to burp, fart, guffaw and just generally be obnoxious and all around erratic. damn my stupid non-functioning laptop!
So i went to a presbyterian church today and listened to the sermon which talked about a city of broken hearts, broken dreams and despair. it was semi depressing and the message was a bit ambiguous but the jist was that there is little than we can do and we just have to wait for Christ to come to this world for redemption, as God shall "transfigure and not abolish" the hell-ridden world in which we live. hmmm.. interesting.
we went to a pretty delish eatery following where they serve real lousiana food: we're talking gator burgers, crawfish, 'po boy sandwiches and the quintissential
it's pure medieval, in a way, reminiscent of an era far removed but not forgotten- the old colonial South, preserved in its culturally rich embryonic sac of fluid...like it or hate it, new orleans is perhaps the rome of our times, a city built upon another city, an enduring civilization that shall surely rise and fall like the other greats, but will never be any less venerated or cherished...
snap, crackle 'n' pop,
im out like a gator,