ahhhhh dang, life's fucking good sometimes. the simplest things can induce waves of head-to-toe pleasure. hakuna matata, just eat a rib. that's my motto in life, yo.
which reminds me of the former days long gone when we used to jump for joy when it was our birthday and we got to go to Ralph's supermarket. our mom would graciously reward the birthday girl/boy with a fine premium grade A superbeef rib. and we would all stare with a line of drool descending from our chin as said rib recipient inhaled the falling-off-the-bone meat right there before our eyes, offering nothing more than a scanty nibble. ahhhh, and me oh my, i just had a good couple of em, right here at the good ol' fashioned dining hall. not fucking bad, yo. i wish there was video footage of me sitting there, ass hanging off the chair as i make love to my rib, bbq sauce getting all over my goddamn face, unbeknownst to a hapless me who could care less how grotesque the sight may appear to passerbyers.
today was so sweet. it's like 1:30 and we are tired as hell, awaiting more doom and gloom in the form of a CMA session, where we will be further induced with TFA jargon and facts on the acheivement gap. all of sudden, we hear justin timberlake blasting over the speakers and in walk the staff with a banner reading "TFA day! GO HOME, your buses are outside!" OMG, we nearly shit our pants.. it was so awesome, too. we go back to the dorms, there's a pool party and a bbq and a dunking booth and a karaoke set-up and a photobooth and fro-yo and loads of goodies. it was too good to be true, and i am in such a good mood to say the least. can u tell? food has that effect on me. ahh, fuck being skinny. they say a "minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips." not for me, if you've got a good memory and an ability to salivate pavlov-style on the spot.
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